Liming Pays!

Tennessee Valley Resources, Inc. has been marketing and distributing quality agricultural limestone material to the industry since 1978. Located in Jefferson City, TN, TVR markets a high grade dolomitic limestone.
Meeting and maintaining an appropriate pH level helps fertilizer to work efficiently- improving crop yield and ultimately improving the farmer’s bottom line. Liming Pays!
High Quality Dolomitic Limestone
Spreadable material that stores easily outside
Added benefit of the micronutrient Zinc
TVR ground limestone is a co-product of Tennessee’s zinc mining industry. As part of the zinc separation process, the extremely fine materials are removed from the lime leaving a remarkably uniform product that meets or exceeds state specifications for all Southeastern states. Removal of these “fines” produces an easy handling, easily stored material…Read More
In addition to dolomitic agricultural lime, TVR offers agricultural gypsum. This product is used by farmers to add calcium and/or sulfur. Gypsum is very water soluble and can be spread with the same equipment used to spread aglime. Gypsum has been shown to improve yield in most crops suffering from a calcium or sulfur deficiency. …Read More